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MedFile - Pharmacy - Features

  • Billing Module - Check availability, location of stock, expiration while billing, automatic profit/loss check with discounts, Previous bills list.
  • Return Products - Search based on bill number, phone number for returning products. Adding the returned products to inventory. Updated bill based on returned products
  • Purchase Module - Purchase entry as per purchase bill. Automatic GST calculations. Corrections to batchnumber, expiry date etc. Return or add to stock with corrections
  • Wholesale Module- Wholesale bill entry, print, option to select selling rate, automatic GST calculations, GST categories totals calculations etc.
  • Inventory management - Initial stock entry, Automatic deduction of inventory based on sales, Inventory corrections, Returns addition to inventory etc.
  • Reports Module - Bill Reports, Automatic output GST calculations based on sales, Automatic input GST calculations based on purchases, Stock reports, Expiring and unsold reports etc.
  • Wholesale Reports - GST calculations based on wholesale sales, Reconciliation of input and output GST etc.

Pharmacy Management System Made Easy

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